iRun WNY is proud to present the Niagara Falls USA Marathon, Half Marathon and Historic Lewiston 5K! Experience for yourself the beauty and history of the Niagara Region.

MARATHON: Saturday April 26, 2025
START TIME 8:00AM: The full marathon will have participants running the half-marathon course twice. The start/finish line will be located inside Artpark State Park. Runners will travel through Artpark and up the new pathway adjacent to the Niagara Scenic Parkway to the top of Lewiston Hill. Continuing along the Niagara River Gorge, participants will have spectacular views of Canada as they run past the Niagara Power Project, Devil's Hole, and Whirlpool State Park to the turnaround located just past the Whirlpool Bridge before returning back to Lewiston using the same route. Once they cross the finish line in Lewiston they will head back out for one more lap of the 13.1 mile course they just completed!
The USATF Course #NY22008JJ will start and finish in the lower striped parking lot as in the past. All construction has been completed and participants are welcome to park in the lower lot at Artpark via the 4th Street entrance.
HALF-MARATHON: Saturday April 26, 2025
START TIME 8:00AM: The half marathon will start/finish inside Artpark State Park. Runners will travel through Artpark and up the new pathway adjacent to the Niagara Scenic Parkway to the top of Lewiston Hill. Continuing along the Niagara River Gorge, participants will have spectacular views of Canada as they run past the Niagara Power Project, Devil's Hole, and Whirlpool State Park to the turnaround located just past the Whirlpool Bridge before returning back to Lewiston using the same route.
The USATF Course #NY22008JJ will start and finish in the lower striped parking lot as in the past. All construction has been completed and participants are welcome to park in the lower lot at Artpark via the 4th Street entrance.
HISTORIC LEWISTON 5K: Friday April 25, 2025
START TIME 6:00PM: The Historic Lewiston 5K will start and finish at Marilyn Toohey Park in the Village of Lewiston. Participants will enjoy a fast/flat run through area neighborhoods north of Center Street (VIEW USATF COURSE MAP). Lewiston was the first European settlement in Western New York. During the 1600s and 1700s, when the French and British traders settled in the area, Lewiston was instrumental in the development of the Great Lakes region because of its strategic location. There are many historic buildings and sites found throughout the village. One of the most famous is the Lewiston Frontier House featured on our finisher medal. The Frontier House, built in 1824, is situated at 460 Center Street and was once hailed as the best hotel west of Albany!
Online registration for all races will remain open until race day or until sold out. All participants who register by April 17, 2025 at 9am will be guaranteed an official race shirt in their requested size. A limited quantity of extra shirts for late registrants (those who sign up after April 17th) will be ordered and distributed on a first come, first-serve basis until they are gone.
Historic Lewiston 5K
$30 through 12/31/24 then $35 through race day
Niagara Falls USA Half-Marathon
$75 through 12/31/24 then $80 through race day
Niagara Falls USA Marathon
$95 through 12/31/24 then $100 through race day
We will offer an early packet pickup for all three races on Thursday April 24th from 6-8pm that will take place at the Brickyard Brewing Company in the Village of Lewiston.
Brickyard Brewing Co.
436 Center Street
Lewiston, NY 14092
Race day packet pickup for the 5K on Friday night and the marathon and half marathon on Saturday will take place at the start/finish line of each race. Race day packet pickup will open 2 hours before the start of each race.
Historic Lewiston 5K
Friday April 25, 2025 from 4-6pm
Marilyn Toohey Park
145 North 4th Street
Lewiston, NY 14092
Niagara Falls USA Marathon & Half Marathon
Saturday April 26, 2025 from 6-8am
Artpark State Park
Striped Parking Lot
450 S 4th Street
Lewiston, NY 14092
Mail-in Registration Option
If you prefer to mail in your registration, please download both liability waivers below and mail them to the address shown. You must complete and mail both waivers to the address shown on the waiver along with your check payable to iRunWNY.
>Race Application & Waiver
>USATF Waiver (required)
We will have 11 opportunities for water/hydration/restrooms setup on the 13.1 mile course from start to finish. All stations will offer both water and Gatorade. This is an out and back 13.1 mile course so you will have access to each water station twice!
Start Line at Artpark State Park - Lewiston Queenston Bridge - Devil's Hole - Whirlpool State Park - Whirlpool Bridge - Turnaround Location - Whirlpool State Park - Devil's Hole - Lewiston Queenson Bridge - Artpark State Park - Finish Line
The post race celebration for all three races will take place at/near the start/finish line of each race. Favorite's Pizza will provide delicious hot, fresh pizza at the finish line!

Stick around after each race to cheer on friends, enjoy post race food/snacks, and music at the finish line. In addition, Brickyard Brewing Company will be offering special discount pricing on all BBC draft beer to runners throughout the day.
13.1 Course Map*
26.2 Course Map*
5K Course Map
MARATHON & HALF MARATHON: Trophies will be presented to the top overall male and female finishers. All marathon and half-marathon participants will receive a beautiful custom finisher medal at the finish line. Age group decals (see age groups below) will be dispensed at the finish line to go on the back of the medals.
14 and under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80 and older.
HISTORIC LEWISTON 5K: Trophies will be presented to the top overall male and female finishers. Age group winners will be presented with medals (see age groups below) at the awards ceremony after the race.
14 and under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80 and older.
In the event of foul weather, public safety concerns, or for any other reason deemed necessary by race organizers (ex: state of emergency, shelter-in-place, limit on social gatherings, etc), we want runners to know up front that we reserve the right to reschedule the event OR convert this to a virtual race. There will be no refunds.
We will allow a one time deferral (half marathon and full marathon) through March 15, 2025. Marathon participants can elect to transfer to the half-marathon distance right up until race day.
Professional timing and finish line services using industry leading Jaguar Electronic RFID timing will be provided by Race Management Solutions. Results will be updated throughout the race in real time and can be accessed at any time after crossing the finish line using any one of the following options:
- ITSYourRace Mobile App
- RMS Race Results Kiosk/Printer
- Scrolling Results TV Monitor at BBC
Race participants can also use the ITSYourRace platform to view and share finish line photos with family and friends for free on Facebook. Custom finisher certificates can also be downloaded from the results page at no charge!
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